Having your cake and eating it: hybrid methodologies
Recently, we’ve been employing a hybrid of insight and closeness methodologies to great success. Typically, this comprises of 4-6 qualitative focus groups followed by an extended debrief session during in which we will share the key learnings and then bring these to life with a live Customer Closeness session with the most insightful respondents from the groups. The combination of the rigour of the qual and the impact of a closeness session has enabled us to get to some game-changing insights with in-built buy-in from the key people.
It works particularly well when you have:
A number of different and varied consumer audiences to hear from: it gives you the opportunity to explore attitudes and behaviours separately, before bringing a cross-section of opinions together
A lot of stimulus to explore: too much material can slow down the tempo and energy of a closeness session, but it can be covered in the groups and then the most powerful and relevant findings brought to life
An appetite for customer closeness, but a desire too for a ‘heads up’ on what consumers are going to share!
A time-poor team, who would love to attend a week of focus groups, but in reality, aren’t going to fit it into their diaries
We’ve found that the key to the success of hybrid insight/closeness sessions lies in:
Expert moderation skills – moderators who can dig for the depth of insight in the group stage, then building on the understanding and rapport that’s been created, expertly facilitate an engaging and insightful customer closeness session, for a large or senior audience.
Top-notch recruitment – as with all customer closeness sessions, there is nowhere to hide if this is not on point.
At TCCC we’ve honed an eye for just the right (combination of) customers to invite back and an ear for just the right stories that need to be shared in order to powerfully land the key insights. Get in touch if you’d like to chat through how a hybrid approach could work for you.