CUSTOMER-CENTRIC INNOVATION - Morrisons & Gousto tackle plastic
We believe that successful companies are close to their customers. We love commercial and we love customer but most of all we love the sweetspot where value for both lies.
Consumers are asking for less plastic but most feel helpless to know what to do while still maintaining the benefits that they desire. Hats off to a couple of companies who have taken an insight-led approach.
Morrisons – who have replaced their plastic bags with paper carrier bags. They are still reusable but most importantly they are recyclable. How many of us have gone shopping forgotten our bag and sheepishly bought ANOTHER bag for life that we know will sit in a cupboard with the other bags that we guiltily hoard? There is something wonderful about something that is built to disappear.

Gousto – their core mission is admirable in that they want to eliminate food waste and they’ve now recognised that their target customers are more likely than average to worry about the environment. But it’s a tricky one as their proposition involves a lot of packaging being delivered places. They are working on it and communicating with their customers that they are on a journey.
Great examples of thinking laterally and working with consumers. And a reminder that you don’t have to have the perfect solution – It's acceptable to say ‘it’s a journey; we’re on our way’

Great examples of thinking laterally and working with consumers especially where they recognise it’s a journey.